
Choose from our tags below to see your style of inspiration.

A few tricks for 2021 how to have modern living with furniture from the middle century.

Be inspired by furniture in the middle of the century. We care about the quality and design of furniture. We will show you our favorite products.

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Looking for Christmas gifts? Get inspired by our gifts we have prepared for our families.

Aroma of hot chocolate, cinnamon and oranges. A house full of loved ones and dancing to good old songs. Leave gifts for your loved ones to us.

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A guide to fabric sampling by Alexander & Marcus 2020

We have prepared for you a guide to fabrics and materials that you can order for handmade goods in our online store.

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Arrange your store in a modern and functional way.

We provide our clients with the whole process from the approval of the interior of the store or salon to the implementation of a separate space.

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Our tips for hotels and restaurants for 2020. Get inspired !

Get ahead of your competition and charm your customers. All products are custom and handcrafted.

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The best wedding gift ideas by Alexander & Marcus.

TOP 10 wedding gifts with high quality and originality. Gifts can also be personalized on request.

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Candles and diffusers with a beautiful and especially fragrant accessory in every home.

You can choose from the best 3 color variations - white, black or pink. Which one do you like ?

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Perfect handmade pillows in 27 different fabrics and colors. How to combine them?

Do not be afraid of several color variations of decorative pillows in one room. Space will beautifully revitalize and make your home feel more pleasant.

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Swap old classics for modern bone Chinese ceramics with extravagant motifs.

This is love at first sight, the whole collection, be it the skull or the bird.

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